Euro Green Tech - Innovazione Green al servizio dell'agricoltura
Who we are. Euro Green Tech is the division of Bassi Seminatrici

Euro Green Tech - who are we?

Euro Green Tech è la nuova Business Unit di Bassi Seminatrici Srl, specializzata nella produzione di macchinari agricoli elettrici innovativi al servizio dell'agricoltura moderna.

Euro Green Tech concretely demonstrates its commitment to developing cutting-edge solutions to address the global challenges of agriculture and the environment.

Our dedication to promoting sustainable agricultural practices and reducing environmental impact through technological innovation, represented by the production of a diverse range of eco-friendly tools, tangibly highlights our determination to contribute to the protection of the environment.

As an industry leader, Euro Green Tech continues to be a driving force, working tirelessly to drive positive change and shape a more promising agricultural and environmental future.

La Bassi Seminatrici, è stata fondata negli anni '50 da Gino Bassi e, nel tempo, si è specializzata sempre più nella costruzione di macchine agricole seminatrici. Una lunga storia con know how pluridecennale che l'ha portata a diventare leader di settore e a produrre macchine agricole seminatrici resistenti al tempo e all'utilizzo, versatili nell'applicazione e studiate sartorialmente per ogni cliente. Bassi Seminatrici, oltre ad avere clienti in tutta Italia, esporta in moltissimi Stati, nel mondo.

Euro Green Tech's innovative solutions offer several advantages:

  • Environmental Sustainability: In addition to electric harvesters, the other tools developed also contribute to the transition towards more sustainable agricultural practices, reducing the emission of harmful gases and preserving natural resources.
  • Technological Innovation: Euro Green Tech remains a point of reference in the agricultural sector thanks to cutting-edge tools, in line with the growing needs for sustainable agricultural practices.
  • Cost reduction: The use of electricity, combined with lower maintenance costs, contributes to the reduction of long-term operating costs for farmers.
  • Adaptability: The flexibility of the new machinery models responds dynamically to the changing needs of the market, satisfying the growing demand for solutions with low environmental impact.
Euro Green Tech is the division of Bassi Seminatrici, since 1950
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